The World Bike Girl Event in Coventry was held at Twisted Barrel Brewery in what must be the coolest city spot I’ve ever visited … Fargo Village (if you are visiting Coventry these are must dos).

Twisted Barrel Brewery are famous for their ales which meant I COULD NOT FRIGGEN WAIT TO DO THIS EVENT and I wasn’t disappointed!

The event was a huge success – the audience were roaring with laughter and everyone was fully inspired which gave me a happy buzz. I met amazing people and the beer was incredible! They even had four different types of gluten free beer! 

Everyone was amazed by Jenny Graham’s world record attempt, HAPPENING RIGHT NOW, to be fastest women to cycle around the world, AVERAGING 180 MILES A DAY!!! GO JENNY GO!!!

Jenny Graham’s Twitter  Jenny Graham Interview  Jenny Graham/Adventure Syndicate

The VIP of the night was 10 year old Imogen, who amazingly cycled from Birmingham to Coventry with her Mum and friends for the event. The audience went wild with a round of applause when I introduced her … of course the girl had no idea why everyone was clapping … cycling 20 miles was normal to her!

Everyone got a chance to try out the Kibo bicycle with Maria’s DoggyRide trailer attached, with some very amusing sights and big happy faces.

The Twisted Barrel Staff were amazing and I even left with a ‘carry out’ of gluten free beer in a trendy tube rather than a brown paper bag ….

Anyone who didn’t get a chance to buy my book, you can buy it here: Me, My Bike and a Street Dog Called Lucy.