Our first stop in Nottingham was to take Maria for a walk, so I pedalled for Wollaton Park. What a surprise – it was an incredible! Just look!

But another surprise awaited for us on our return to the bicycle …. I had taken wrong turning and had parked my bicycle in the restaurant which is in park … and this was the sign they taped to my bicycle! ha ha ha!!!! First time in all my life of cycling!!!

Of course I went with sign to explain why I locked my bicycle there which was out the way and I was told not to worry they would not clamp on this occasion. Anyone who knows me can imagine the next two minutes as I told them how ludicrous this was and that they were all nuts.

We came across this smiley doggy who’s collar attaches to an extension on humans bicycle and he runs alongside!

Think Maria had the hots for him …

I then cycled us to Nottingham Bike Works where the World Bike Girl event would be held that evening. I can’t recommend this place enough for locals – the bikes they had to sell were awesome! They use the money they make from selling bikes, along with grants to make a huge contribution to the local community. This week they are holding a 4 day workshop for kids in residential care, where they learn how to build their bike and when they are finished they receive a certificate and get this …. they get to keep the bikes!!!! THIS IS HUGELY AWESOME!!!! They also hold workshops for refugees.

This is Stephanie, one of the lead mechanics and photo below shows life in the workshop!

I am so happy to have discovered Nottingham Bike Works and their mission is something I’d love to help out with in the future.

The World Bike Girl event was amazing – really enjoyed it! Below you have left to right … Alice of United Bikes Ltd, Lily of Nottingham Bike Works, Me – World Bike Girl and Heather Riddell from Sleaford Wheelers!

P.s – I’m so happy to be Sleaford Wheelers guest speaker at this years fundraiser for Women’s Aid (Boston) Details and tickets here: CHARITY DINNER 6TH OCT

Audience gave the loudest shout out to Jenny Graham so far! Well done Nottingham! Jenny has already cycled 11,000 miles with (only lol) another 7,000 miles to go to make her dreams a reality of becoming fastest women to cycle around the world! FOLLOW JENNY: TWITTER

We had such a great time in Nottingham! Well apart from one moment when a radio presenter said Maria and Murphy suffered greatly in quarantine … eh neither dog was in quarantine … isn’t that defamation?

Watch this space … I didn’t fight every inch of the way to get to where I am to have someone publicly pull me down with false claims … #selfworth #mediaresponsibility

We left Nottingham having made friends for life and an amazing behind the scenes glimpse of the incredible Nottingham Bike Works.

Next stop Manchester …. after cycling through the Peak District National Park!!!

Whoohoo! Ishbel x